- Xinyi Low, 2007-2008. Why do cultures differ in anger regulation? Comparisons between US, Singapore, and Japan
- Anne Mayeres. 2007-2008. Intergenerational differences: Does generational status influence life goal?
- Yoko Shimura, 2007-2008. What is the meaning of happiness? Correlates of subjective well-being among Japanese.
- Fumiko Suzuki, 2007-2008. Not happy to decide by myself: cultural differences and similarities in college student’s decision-making with parents.*
- Kimiko Tsuchiya, 2007-2008.Educational time management and health in college students.*
- Hiromi Makiuchi, 2008-2009. Who Matters More?: The Relative Contributions of Peer and Parental Support on Emerging Adult’s Depressive Symptomatology.*
- Yuko Ogawa, 2008-2009. How Very Important Non-Parental Adults Take Part in the Educational Goals of Youth in College.
- Erica Char Wae Chong, 2009-2010. What is Expected of You: Developing and Validating a Measure of School Expectations.
- Nanami Yawata, 2009-2010. A Cross Cultural Study on Adult Daughter’s Social Mobility and Association with Relationship Quality with Aging Mothers.
- Yoshiko Kurogi, 2009-2010. Maternal Responsiveness, Overprotectiveness, Anxiety, and Victimization Experiences of Children.
- Renee Ha, 2009-2010. Familism and Eating Disorder Symptomatology: Asian American and European American Differences or Similarities?
- Justin Levine, 2010-2011. Talking About Sex: Who, What, and Why.
- Hitomi Nakabayashi, 2011-2012. Individual Differences in Ego Resilience: The Case of Maternal Depression.
- Michelle Nunn, 2011-2012. Influence of Parents during Childhood versus Peer influence On College Students’ Eating Habits and Choices between Americans and Japanese.
- Keiko Morishita, 2011-2012. Fathers’ Influence on the Quality of Daughters’ Romantic Relationships.
- Keiko Yoshioka, 2011-2012. Well-being during Emerging Adulthood: The Roles of Culture, Maternal Parenting, and Mother-child Relationship Quality.
- Satomi Ueno, 2011-2012. The Development of Children’s Empathy: Are There Cultural Differences?
- Gabrielle Ho Jung Kim, 2011-2012. Father-Child Relationship Quality and the Influence of the Kirogi family arrangement on Adolescent’s Psychological Well-Being?
- Junko Morita, 2012-2013. SAT Cram Schools and High School Adjustment.
- Andy Tran, 2012-2013. Facebook: For Better or For Worse?
- Yanice Tsz Wu, 2012-2013. Media Influences on Children’s Gender Beliefs: The role of Disney in shaping Traditional Gender Socialization.
- Katherine Olsen, 2012-2013. The Potential Effect of Father-Daughter Relationship on the Quality of the Heterosexual Daughter’s Adult Romantic Relationship.
- Minami Hattori, 2012-2013. What is Global Citizenship? Scale Development Using Psychological Research Methods.
- Nashaw Jafari, 2013-2014. Positive Indicators of Identification With All of Humanity on Emerging Adulthood.*
- Sophia Kawada, 2013-2014. Can Facebook make you happy?: The effect of training adults how to use Facebook.
- Kei Mukomoto, 2013-2014. Culture, Mentoring, and Implications for College Youth’s Educational Adjustment.*
- Indigo Ross, 2014-2015. The Relationship between Black Female’s Hair Maintenance and Ethnic Identity.
- Megumi Takahashi, 2014-2015. Interaction between Art Teachers and Students: Fostering Student Learning with Collaboration.
- Min Jung Kim, 2014-2015. The Relationship between Childhood Pet Ownership and Empathy in Adulthood.
- Kumiko Miyajima, 2014-2015. The Nature of Religion with Older Youths and Their Well-being.
- Pearl Mar, 2014-2015. The Importance of Youth Empowerment: A Look at Youth Organizational Methods and Staff Members’ Perceptions of Youth’s Psychological Empowerment.
- Yubin Kim, 2015-2016. How to Assess “I Am for the Child”: Measurement and Development of Mentoring and Advocacy among CASA OC volunteers.
- Jianmin Shao, 2016-2017. Chinese LGBs’ Psychological Adjustment: Examining Minority Stress within the Chinese Family Context.***
- Brenna Bayardo, 2016-2017. Quality of Life and Psychological Well-Being of Fathers Who Have Children on the Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- Natsuko Umezaki, 2016-2017. An investigation into the meaning and implementation of “inclusive education”.
- Yumi Hayashi, 2016-2017. Attachment Dynamics in Romantic, Parental, Peer, and Primary Caregiver Relationships.
- Christina Davis, 2016-2017. The relative impact of perceived quality of relationships with parents, same-gender peers, and romantic partners on depressive symptoms: Do parents still matter to college students?
- Paloma Reyes, 2016-2017. Bisexuals’ Willingness to Engage in a Relationship and Associations with Reports of Sexual Minority Social Stress.
- Shania Davis, 2017-2018. Parental and Peer Contexts of Hookup Culture and its Potential Influences on Sexual Behaviors and Marital Attitudes.*
- Alicia Davis, 2018-2019. Political Socialization of Adolescent Attitudes towards Refugees by Mothers, Fathers, and Peers.
- Taylor Gonzales, 2018-2019. Life Goals Project: Culture, Gender, and Life Goals Among College Students
- Emma Grant-Dreher, 2018-2019. Breaking the spell: Individual and group variables in susceptibility to persuasion.*
- Elisabeth Setterstrom, 2018-2019. The psychology of aesthetics and politics: Can you manipulate one’s appreciation of Picasso’s art?
- Chhusang Sherpa, 2019-2020. Androgyny and Leadership Engagement among University Students: Does Parental Warmth and School Climate Matter?
- Lucero Morales, 2019-2020. The effects of cultural dimensions on the consumption of K-pop in the US and Mexico.