Latin American Perspectives. Vol. 46. No. 5 (2019). SAGE Publications. Special Issue: “Politics, Society, and Culture in Postconflict Peru.”
Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation, and Culture. Vol. 19. Nos. 3 – 4 (2013). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. “Special Issue: Political Documentary Cinema in Latin America: concepts, histories, experiences.”
Books Authored
Film and Genocide, Kristi M. Wilson and Tomás Crowder-Taraborrelli, Eds. The University of Wisconsin Press (London and Madison, 2012). *Admitted into the Archival Library of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum.
Italian Neorealism and Global Cinema. Kristi M. Wilson and Laura Ruberto, Eds. Wayne State University Press. (Detroit, 2007).
Political Documentary Cinema in Latin America: Concepts, Histories, Experiences. Antonio Traverso and Kristi M. Wilson, editors. Routledge. (2014)
Chapters Authored
“ITVS (Independent Film and Video Service) Community-Cinema: state-sponsored documentary film festivals, community engagement and pedagogy,” co-authored with Tomas Crowder-Taraborrelli, in Activist Film Festivals: Toward a Political Subject, Edited by Sonia M. Tascon and Tyson Wils (Intellect Press/University of Chicago Press, 2017).
“Italian Neorealism, Quotidian Storytelling and Transnational Horizons” Co-written with Laura Ruberto. Wiley Blackwell Press (2017)
“Trans-identity: Theory, Politics and Identity in the Pacific Basin,” co-written with Dr. Ryan Ashley Caldwell in The Pacific Basin: an Introduction. Shane Barter and Michael Weiner, Eds. Routledge (2017).
“Narración disociada y final abierto: el género de la Resistencia en Los Rubios de Albertina Carri.” El documental politico en Argentina, Chile, y Uruguay: de los anos cincuenta a la decada del dos mil. Antonio Traverso and Tomas Crowder-Taraborrelli, eds. Santiago de Chile: LOM ediciones, 2015.
“Demagogues in Death and Notes from Way Underground: the American cult pop culture icon.” Cult Pop Culture: How the Fringe Became Mainstream, Vol. 1 (2012) Praeger Publications. Bob Batchelor, editor
‘The Hour of the Furnaces’, May 1968, and the Pesaro International Film Festival,” co-written with Laura E. Ruberto in A Trail of Fire for Political Cinema, edited by Javier Campo and Humberto Perez-Blanco (Intellect /University of Chicago Press, 2019). *This essay was admitted into the Pesaro International Festival of New Cinema archive in September, 2019.
“Hero Trouble: Blood, Politics and Kinship in Pasolini’s Medea.” Critical Explorations of the Sword and Sandal Film. (2011) McFarland Press. Michael Cornelius, editor.
“Introduction” to The Satyricon of Petronius. Barnes and Noble, 2006.
“Eva Peron,” “Domingo F. Sarmiento and Juan Bautista Alberdi,” “Jose Enrique Rodo.” Short essays. Encyclopedia of Nationalism. Ed. Alexander J. Motyl, Academic Press, 2000.
“Time, Space and Vision: Nicolas Roeg’s Don’t Look Now.” Screen. Autumn, 1999.
“Casablanca,” “Saturday Night Fever,” “Taxi Driver,” “Performance Art.” Entries. The St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. 5 Vols., Eds. Tom and Sarah Pendergast, St. James Press, 1999.
Scholarly Articles
“Building Memory: Museums, Trauma, and the Aesthetics of Confrontation in Argentina.” Essay. Latin American Perspectives. Vol. 43 .No. 5 (SAGE Publications, September 2016).
“The Split-Person Narrative: Resisting Closure, Resistant Genre in Albertina Carri’s Los Rubios.” Essay. Latin American Perspectives (SAGE Publications, January, 2013).
“Latin American Dreaming: A Neoliberal Vision for Retirement.” Film Review of Anayansi Prado’s Paraíso for Sale. Co-authored with Tomás Crowder-Taraborrelli. Latin American Perspectives (SAGE Publications, January, 2013).
Introduction to “Political Documentary Cinema in Latin America: Concepts, Histories, Experiences.” Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture. Vol. 19. Nos. 3 – 4 (May – July, 2013). Antonio Traverso and Kristi M. Wilson, Eds. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
“Ecce Homo Novus: snapshots, the ‘new man,’ and iconic montage in the work of Santiago Alvarez.” Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture. Vol. 19. Nos. 3 – 4 (2013). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. “Special Issue: Political Documentary Cinema in Latin America: concepts, histories, experiences.”
“Nietzsche, Euripides, Philology and Philosophy in the Age of Graecomania.” Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature Vol. 48, 2000.
“Cross-Cultural Othering through Metamorphosis.” Paroles Gelees. University of California, Los Angeles, French Department, Vol. 14.2, 1999.
“Beyond Rossellini.” Co-written with Laura Ruberto. Quaderni di Cinemasud. (2007). “La Medea Di Pasolini: Un Classico In Anticipo Sui Tempi.” Quaderni di Cinemasud. (2006).
The Global Impact of Italian Neorealism.” Co-written with Laura E. Ruberto. In Italian Cinema From the Silent Screen to the Digital Image, edited by Joseph Luzzi. Bloomsbury Press, (2020).
“Euripides and Orientalism.” TROPOS: a publication of Michigan State University, Department of Romance and Classical Languages. Vol. 23, Spring, 1997.
“Tadmor: Palmyra, Syria.” Roman Topography: Site Reports. Department of Classics, San Francisco State University. Fall, 1992.