Taking action within our own communities to support local organizations, such as United Nations Associations, teachers’ organizations, and other relevant civil society organizations.
Taking a stand against militarization and militarism, which are increasingly plaguing our societies.
Nurturing leaders for symbiotic relationships between human life and the natural environment.
Promoting systems of education that introduce into the curriculum at all levels the comparative and international dimensions of global citizenship.
Creating a balanced view of development, not only on economic and material levels, but also based on spiritual values.
Achieving greater collaborative command over the production and use of technology so that it serves to promote the following human values: wisdom, courage, and compassion.
Creating an educational environment that restores and revives the dignity of all lives.
Hi Bhavana – this Emiliano Bosio, please get in touch with me as I am doing PhD on global citizenship education (GCE), I am interested in learning more about your next steps — I will present my doctoral research on GCE this coming week-end (Feb 18-2018) at the Soka Ed. Conference 2018 at SUA —
Thanks Emiliano. Jay and I will get in touch with you shortly. Thanks for reaching out.