Mark graduated from SUA in 2020. He currently works for National Gallery Singapore in the Community & Access department, where they seek to increase access for visitors from underserved communities.

How did International Studies prepare you for life after SUA?
International Studies gave me the opportunity to explore my myriad of interests while deepening my passion in museum research and work. Although SUA does not offer specific museum-based classes, I found my professors were very willing to engage and understand what excited me. Additionally, I found the INTS environment conducive on how to ask good questions, which continues to benefit me at my current role when I meet with our external stakeholders to discuss potential collaborations and projects.

What are some of the best memories and lessons from INTS classes?
While I enjoyed the content that was offered in many of the classes, my fondest memories were the informal ones. From watching movies, organized field trips, to receiving guest speakers, and consuming jack fruit, these moments really showcased the best of our professors. It taught me the value of not just consuming theory but to enjoy the process of learning as well!

My favourite classes included: Introduction to Southeast Asian Studies, War & Memory in Pacific Asia, China Since 1949

Do you have any advice for current INTS concentrators?
Meet as many people as possible throughout your undergraduate journey, including alumni! You never know what kind of opportunity is waiting out there for you. Make it a habit to connect with your professors and discuss with them about your aspirations, whether it is a specific internship, graduate program, or industry you are working towards to. It may be challenging but having a direction and clear sense of purpose will allow you to propel yourself even further during your undergraduate journey.