Ha-Chau graduated from SUA in 2019. She completed a Master’s program in Social Policy at The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) with a Distinction and an Award for Outstanding Achievement in 2021. She is currently an ESG Research Associate at S&P Global, contributing to the annual ESG Index/Corporate Sustainability Assessment. She is also a published author of blog and academic articles on environment/sustainability and gender policy issues.

How did International Studies prepare you for life after SUA?
Besides providing an interdisciplinary foundation plus solid training in writing and research skills, INTS prepared me mentally for new challenges at prestigious international institutions. Though not without nervousness, I felt equipped to read (a lot), reach out to professors/supervisors, do independent research work, contribute to seminars, and work effectively in teams. Most importantly, I have learned (and am still learning) about cultural sensibility and empathy for my classmates and colleagues from all over the world.

What are some of your best memories and lessons from INTS classes?
I miss the epic field trips the most! Kudos to our professors for taking their time researching the most interesting locations, driving us around, and introducing us to local restaurants. These occasions truly show how SUA faculty truly care about students and go beyond the expected to enrich our  learning experience. I doubt one would have similar experience in other institutions. 

Do you have any advice for current INTS concentrators?
Ask questions! Ask your professors, your peers, Writing Center staff, and our wonderful librarians. For Capstone projects, don’t get too lost in the literature; we get more credits as writers rather than as readers, sadly. Last but not least, keep in touch with your friends and professors, not solely for networking purposes but also because of the special, if not unique, bonds we created there.