Dawn graduated from SUA with a concentration in International Studies in 2006. She is currently the Director of Corporate Relations at EcoHealth Alliance.minette
What is your best memory from your INTS classes? 
The constant reminder of how much is out there and how little we know.
How did INTS prepare you for life after SUA?
Coming from a small town in rural Idaho my world view was incredibly limited, INTS gave me perspective and a direction.  Capstone literally led me albeit a long road to my current career. It’s not necessarily about practical skills it was more the tools to imagine what the world could be like.
Do you have any advice for current INTS concentrators?
Internships and networking are essential. Learn these skills and become fluent in them before you even begin thinking about a Master’s degree. They will more likely help you get your foot in the door than anything else you attempt to do. Ask questions all the time, never ever let anyone brush you off or give you the run around. Be direct, respectful, and clear and get all the information. Have no less than 5 people edit your resumé before you send it anywhere. Honestly, when you leave school chances are you’ll be getting coffee and that will be your job because you will likely have bills, never stop thinking or dreaming of your end game, but be patient and follow my advice. It will all work out.


Posted Fall 2016
